Booming Tourism in Kashmir
The tourism sector in Kashmir is catching speed with every passing day. The Kashmir Valley stands today among the most sought-after places for a vacation around the world. People get spiritually connected to the fairyland of Kashmir. Showcasing its cool environment, serene lakes and rivers, gushing streams, lush pastures, and mighty Himalayan peaks, it mesmerizes each individual.
Government Upholds Homestay Conversions
To cater for a large amount of tourist footfall in Kashmir and promote sustainable tourism, the government of Jammu and Kashmir launched homestay conversion initiatives in 2023. It is continuing to do so in 2024 by enabling easy convertion to homestays in Kashmir. These steps will provide opportunities and create space by utilising local accommodations Kashmir. It also provides a unique experience for visitors, where they witness the local culture from a near perspective.
Homestay Experience in Kashmir
The valley of Kashmir hosts a unique culture and traditions. Love and harmony are reflected in the language and other day-to-day activities of Kashmiri people. Experiencing all this in every colour becomes possible with home rentals Kashmir Valley.
Touch the Kashmiri Culture
Homestays in Kashmir provide an awesome opportunity to feel the Kashmiri culture and become a part of it. From day-to-day activities to special occasions like Eid and Milad un Nabi, you can be a part of everything. Taking local accommodations Kashmir proves to be a lovely adventure and symbolizes brotherhood among Hindus and Muslims.
Have a Taste of Homemade Kashmiri Cuisine
Homestays in Kashmir also provide a chance to try homemade tasty Kashmiri cuisine. Kashmiri Kehwa, Nun Chai, Kashmiri Pulao, Phirni desert, and Wazwan form some of the delicacies. You can enjoy these in the healthiest possible way in local accommodations Kashmir.
Experience The Rural and Urban Kashmir
You can choose the locations of homestays in Kashmir. Do you like an urban area like Srinagar or a rural area with beautiful crop fields? You can experience the urban and rural life of Kashmir in the local accommodations Kashmir.
Make Lovely Memories
Home rentals Kashmir Valley become a perfect option for having lively moments with Kashmiri people. Indulging and colouring yourself in the unique Kashmiri culture will be a memory for a lifetime. You can click lots of pictures and go shopping in the local markets.
Kashmir Online – A Favourite Travel Partner
Get your hands ready to pack your stuff for an everlasting journey to the paradise of Kashmir. KashmirOnline ensures that you enjoy the best vacations in Kashmir. With a rating of 4.9 on Google, we are proud to cater the best in class services at a genuine price. Check out our latest deals on
How do homestays in Kashmir promote sustainable tourism?
Homestays in Kashmir become a less destructive option for creating space for tourists and also provide huge income opportunities for the Kashmiri people. Homestays do not burden the environment.
How many local accommodations Kashmir?
Kashmir has around 1500 accommodations and more and more are coming up every day.
Do homestays provide cab service?
Yes, homestays provide cab services for visitors.
Is it safe to do a homestay in Kashmir?
Yes, absolutely safe to do a homestay in Kashmir. The people of Kashmir welcome everyone as their guests.
Author is a student who loves to explore new corners of learning. He likes writing and travelling while taking challenges that question his abilities and skills. His hobbies are helping people and spending time in nature.