One of the most expensive spices in the world is saffron from Kashmir. It comes from the Kashmir Valley and has a distinct flavour unmatched by any other spice. The highest quality Kashmiri saffron is said to have numerous medicinal benefits, including those for depression and pregnancy. Frequently, doctors advise using saffron while pregnant.
The most expensive variety of saffron in the world is Kashmiri Kesar. A higher-quality product is hand-harvested and has a unique flavour and aroma. Saffron from Kashmir costs much more than Iranian and Afghan varieties. The delicate flowers of Kashmiri Saffron/Kesar are grown in the world’s premier spice town, Pampore, 16 Km from Srinagar.
The ideal agro-climatic conditions for the optimum growth of saffron are in Kashmir. Saffron is grown in Kashmir beginning in July and is harvested at the beginning of the fall season in October. The stigmas are dried in October to produce the finished saffron product.
Seven ways to spot high-quality Kashmiri Saffron

Despite being a costly spice, Kashmiri saffron has many advantages. You should purchase high-quality, authentic saffron if you want to enjoy all of the benefits of this spice. You might end up buying low-quality saffron if you don’t know the difference between genuine and fake Kashmiri saffron/Kesar when you buy saffron. The following tests can assist you in locating high-quality saffron to address this issue.
1. Colour and shape test

Longer and thicker stigmas, a natural deep red colour, high aroma, bitter flavour, chemical-free processing, and a high concentration of crocin (colouring strength), safranal (flavour), and picrocrocin (bitterness) are all distinguishing qualities of Kashmir saffron.
2. Coldwater colour release test

In a bowl of cold water, add a few saffron threads. You’ll notice that the “Real Saffron” gradually turns a golden hue. As the colour change could take up to an hour, give it some time. The actual saffron threads maintain their red hue. On the other hand, if the water does not change colour or does so slowly, turns red, or changes colour immediately, or if the threads lose their colour, the substance is not saffron.
3. Rubbing test

Place a pair of Saffron threads on your finger after soaking them in cold water for a few minutes. Rub the saffron threads with your fingers using two to three back-and-forth motions. You are dealing with fake, inferior saffron if the saffron threads separate, turn to dust, or dissolve in liquid. Truly pure saffron threads won’t unravel.
4. Taste test

By putting a thread of saffron in your mouth, you can also determine the quality of the spice. You have inferior saffron if you detect a sweet flavour. A good saffron has a slightly bitter taste.
5. Smell test

People often compare the aroma of pure saffron to a combination of hay and honey. Due to the high concentrations of Safranal and Picocrocin, saffron can occasionally have a strong, almost chemical-like aroma.
6. Baking soda test

You can test the purity of pure saffron by combining it with baking soda and water in a small cup. The saffron is pure if the mixture is yellow.
7. Pricing test

The saffron from Kashmir is dear. The price of 1 gram of premium Kashmiri saffron is about 250 rupees. On the other hand, many online vendors offer impressive discounts on Kashmiri saffron. Since Kashmiri saffron is known to be an expensive spice, if it is not too expensive, there is a good chance it is fake.
Bottom Line
Those who want to maximise the benefits of saffron should only use pure saffron. Finding pure saffron is not difficult and can be done in several ways. Quality saffron has distinguishable qualities that are visible to everyone. In addition to the testing procedures we mentioned, looking for brands with ISO certification is another excellent way to find high-quality, pure saffron.